ADS 70129

Photo of ADS 70129 at Hither Green

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Your comments

  • Martin Weeks

    12 April 2008, 21:04:22

    Is this the vehicle marked 'Selhurst BTU' now parked (April 08) alongside Horsted Keynes Station??

  • John Silverthorne

    13 April 2008, 20:41:27

    It is indeed 083607 (DS70129). Does not appear on Bluebell Stock List as intention is to dismantle for parts due to rotten body.

  • David Flatman

    16 July 2010, 18:03:41

    Does anyone know the history of this vehicle from conversion from 1019 to DS 70129 in 1962? (Maunsell SR Steam Carriage Stock / Oakwood)

    When was it converted 'Internal User' 083607?

    When was it sold to Bluebell?

    Why have Bluebell not included in their Carriage Register when other vehicle to be used for parts have been included?

  • Andy Prime

    17 July 2010, 14:49:58

    Rumour has it, it is on its way to the Isle of Wight very soon so they can use the underframe for one of their projects.

  • Nick Felton

    13 January 2012, 18:32:17

    The carriage survey website says that the heavily rotted body has been removed at the Bluebell and the underframe transported to the Isle of Wight.


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