Current number:
Any other previous number(s):
BR coach 40000
Part of New Measurement Train. Formerly Laboratory 15 "Argus" and later Test Car 4."

National network vehicles
975xxx series
Test Trains - Network Rail


More sightings may be available if you log in/register.

All Sightings

Derby RTC** *** ****Darren burkinshaw
Unknown (Transfers from books)** *** ****Will Allison
Crewe** *** ****Chris Jones, Chris Jones
London Kings Cross2024-10-28David Simkus
Bromsgrove (Paddington- RTC Derby)2024-10-11Roger Harris, Roger Harris, Roger Harris

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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 975984

    2 June 2003 - Darren Thomsen

    Does anyone have any info as regards the interior layout of this vehicle as I am currently working on a 4mm scale model and I am finding it difficult to come across any info.Could anyone also supply any info as regards what sort of experiments/tests this vehicle carried out.


  • 975984

    7 June 2003 - Andrew Royle

    This is a generator/messing coach. DB999550 is the high speed track recording car (just out of shot to the right)

  • 975984

    20 May 2004 - Iain

    I think (judging by the blocks fixed to the sides and ends) that this is one of the vehicles used to test clearances between trains and structures by the simple method of seeing if any of the blocks get knocked off... This process is a bit lo-tech, replaced by laser measurement and computer modelling.

  • 975984

    15 October 2008 - Dave Coxon

    This was originally part of the prototype HST (originally numbered E10000 then W40000), then it was converted into R&DD Lab Coach 15 'Argus' as seen here. It appears here to be fitted with polystyrene for a gauging test but would be used on any number of different tests in the course of its use by R&DD.

  • 975984

    15 October 2008 - Dave Coxon

    This was originally part of the prototype HST (originally E10000 then W40000), then it was converted into R&DD Lab Coach 15 'Argus' and later became DM&EE's Test Car 4. It survived being cut up in 2003 and ended up in the NMT.

  • 975984

    15 October 2008 - Dave Coxon

    This was originally part of the prototype HST (originally E10000 then W40000), then it was converted into R&DD Lab Coach 15 'Argus' and later became DM&EE's Test Car 4 as seen here.

  • 9 February 2012 - Jonathan

    Good Morning, The NMT was in glasgow Queen Street on monday 6th February not today 9th February.

    Apologies for wrong dates.


  • 30 January 2020 - Marcus Dawson

    Noted, on a gen group, as part of the NMT Consist 29-01-2020

    43013 - 977995 - 975814 - 977993 - 977994 - 975984 - 43014