
Photo of unknown at York works

Vehicles in this photo

The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.


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Your comments

  • Ben

    23 November 2003, 12:25:38

    These two mystery wagons labelled "No.1" and "No.2" were formerly at York (as shown here) but now it is known at least one has moved south to Bombardier Doncaster works - being seen there in July 2003 from a distance. Despite getting a close look at them on this occasion Alex could find no trace of any ID on either wagon although going by their Conflat L type it is thought they are possibly 041515, 041516 or 041999. Any thoughts welcome!

  • Christopher Fuller

    26 February 2007, 18:06:10

    The wagon looks like something that a class 03 shunter would be carrying whilst it is doing station pilot duties, a shunters wagon.

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