Photo of 999508 at Laira TMD

Vehicles in this photo

The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.

  • 999508 - Network Rail Track Inspection Coach "TIC"

Photo details


Your comments

  • Marcus Dawson

    30 July 2002, 23:14:24

    Am I missing something but isn't the previous photo on the page of 999508 a completly different coach? Me thinks this is not the right number for THIS vehicle.

    MD www.rail-net.co.uk

  • Ben

    2 August 2002, 19:54:16

    As far as I am aware it is the same coach - converted from an inspection saloon to a test train coach.

  • POG

    5 August 2002, 21:27:40

    It is the same vehicle, given away by the 2 front windows rather than the usual 3 on the 9995xx vehicles, also don't forget these are asymetrical vehicles, this is the other side to the Serco pic.

  • Simon Bendall

    6 August 2002, 22:51:27

    DB999508 started life as in the above photo. It was modified by BR in the mid 1980s to a track inspection coach - this is when it got the recessed side windows. Serco further modified it in 2001 when a generator set was installed. The two front windows do not automatically mean this is DB999508 as DB999506 and DB999509 are the same design.

  • DAVE

    2 February 2003, 16:16:30

    I have a picture of this vehicle taken on 21/3/84 at Exeter St.Davids, it is definitely DB999508. I'll send the picture in to confirm it.

  • Harold Nicolson

    28 April 2009, 09:41:55


  • Mike Cole

    31 May 2010, 07:33:58

    Hi all,

    does anybody have a drawing/sketch of the internal layout for this vehicle - as built, as I am giving serious thoughtto modelling it in O Gauge.



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