Photo details
- Rotherham - Booths scrapyard
- 22 July 2006
Your comments
Ben Williams
13 September 2006, 12:52:36
Formerly at Ferme Park for many years before spending a short time at Derby RTC (presumably being stripped for spares?) it has now ended up here...
Nick Tompkin
13 September 2006, 19:53:15
I am surprised it has lasted as long as it has at Booths. I had a look at it a week after this photo was taken and it is literally stripped to a bare shell
Ben Williams
17 October 2006, 23:44:52
...and it still survives to this day - now back on bogies again I believe it contains asbestos so it has been quarantined...
Intercity 125
4 January 2014, 13:26:45
Has it been scrapped yet?
Brian Ferry
4 January 2014, 16:17:55
"Has it been scrapped yet?"?? Is that a real question? This photo, depicting a half cut coach was taken in 2006 at a scrapyard. What do you think the answer is?!
Dan Adkins
4 January 2014, 23:06:31
If you type the number in the search, you'll find this note 'Scrapped - Booths, Rotherham 2/07', so yes, it has..