Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
- 97653 - Ruston shunter CE Locomotive
Photo details
- Reading West yard
- 8 January 1998
Your comments
Dave Shell - Northumbria Rail Ltd.
11 April 2004, 20:02:28
Oh dear, looks like its headed for the great scrapyard in the sky. I belive it was broken for parts for 97654. Nice machines these, an 0-6-0 version of Ruston & Hornsby mark 165DE.
Ben Williams
21 April 2004, 21:53:59
The comment under 97654 picture suggests it is at Long Marston although I'm not sure - maybe someone who went on the recent visit can confirm please?
2 May 2004, 01:22:57
97653 should be at Yorkshire Engine Company of Long Marson, but this closed ages ago. Not sure where it is now...
Ben Williams
17 November 2004, 21:00:13
It is now apparently at a private site in Warwickshire.
Craig Browning
10 June 2009, 09:42:17
The frame of 97653 is on top of a wagon at long Marston & was visable from the train at the 2009 open day.