Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
- 6322 - Siemens barrier flat wagon
Photo details
- Northam depot
- 30 October 2003
Your comments
Jon Horswell
20 February 2008, 00:22:54
Vehicles 6321, 6322, 6323 and 6325 arrived at Heathrow Express depot Old Oak Common on 15/02/08. They are to be used to turn 7 of the 14 Heathrow Express class 332's on the Greenford triangle. (The units first class vehicles need to be the other way around ready for the launch of Terminal 5 at Heathrow!!!???). As only one unit per night can be turned and only two are needed per unit I can't see why four have arrived. These are used as they are owned by Siemens, and it is they who run the Hex depot. All the units need to be turned by the close of day on 26/03/08 after which the vehicles will no longer be required.
All these four barrier vehicles (or are they match trucks - what's the difference?) do, however, have what appears to be a fairly substantial grey generator complete with small canopied working platform centrally placed on each. This has resulted in part of the ballast weight on top being cut away and removed. I do not as yet know the purpose of these structures but I am sure that they are a relatively new attachment. Assuming they are generators I hope to find out just what their purpose is. Weather vehicle 6324 is the same or not is not known.
Can anyone else elaborate any further?
Ben Williams
20 February 2008, 00:27:13
Thanks Jon for the interesting info. I'm almost certain 6324 is the same. Presumably this has been left up at Crewe...
sam burke
22 February 2008, 11:28:05
weren't they used up in staffordshire for testing 350s. i think the generators were fitted for that or something
22 February 2008, 14:43:14
These vehicles are "Translator wagons" The generators are to provide power for the brake translator unit between the loco's breaking system and the system used on the Unit's that these wagons are run with. Other Translator wagons are run from a loco with an ETS supply, but these wagons can be used independently with any type of loco.
Ben Williams
24 February 2008, 10:46:01
Yes I saw these yesterday at Old Oak and didn't realise they were quite so different now! I have posted a shot in the Yahoogroup files area for those interested.
Jon Horswell
27 February 2008, 19:05:51
Looks like these vehicles will be at Old Oak for the foreseeable future, probably until the beginning of May. Problems with pathing have prevented any unit from being turned yet. I will let you know when they have gone.
Simon Bendall
3 March 2008, 19:58:59
First Cl.332 turned today, all four translators used. Supposed to be running every day this week except Friday.
Jon Horswell
8 March 2008, 02:08:01
No sooner was I informed of one thing then they go and do something completely different! Simon was correct to the day. Last unit turned on 06/03/08 and all four barrier vehicles were transferred to Wembly presumably for onward transportation to Crewe.
Ben Williams
8 March 2008, 09:42:59
So does anyone know why they had to use all four for each movement?!
Greg Sherlock
8 March 2008, 15:28:50
Saw some of these at Doncaster Belmont Down Yard on 7th March when leaving south. Was that just a place to stable them, or were they going onwards to Neville Hill to turn the class 333s on (presumably) the Whitehall triangle? Didn't get any of the numbers because
a) some of them were obscured by other vehicles
b) I didn't notice them until almost the last minute, and
c) was disadvantaged by the class 91's rapid acceleration on the train I was on!
Ben Williams
8 March 2008, 23:21:20
Can anyone confirm they have ended up here now? Ta!
Jon Horswell
9 March 2008, 13:21:26
Ben further to your earlier comment I myself have wondered why four vehicles were used. In the past when any unit needed turning just two were borrowed from Eurostar 'across the way', one used either end of the unit. Haulage was by top and tail Eurostar 37's. This was the same for those class 332's that went to Wembley every so often for tyre turning on the wheel lathe there.
The Siemens barrier flats were of course ex Eurostar but are probably easier to use now that Eurostar have vacated North Pole and mothballed their remaining barrier vehicles.
The class 332's no longer go to Wembley for tyre turning after one got derailed in the yard there and they instead now go 'next door' to the FGW sheds for use on their new wheel lathe. Haulage across is by the resident FGW 08 shunter and adapter coupler.
For the record all but one of these recent movements involved 67021 + 67027. The different one was Monday (03/03/08) nights haulage by the Royal pair of 67's.
Ben Williams
4 June 2008, 20:31:19
These wagons have now apparently moved to the new Siemens depot at Northampton. Any further sightings welcome!