Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
- 999605 - Ultrasonic Test Train coach - UTU5
Photo details
- Plymouth
- 18 January 2006
Your comments
Robert Burch
20 February 2008, 10:22:43
This coach was from 4-REP 2015/3015 and was one of the last 2 MK1 coaches built together with its twin 999602. The original nubmers were S62482 & S62483.
These coaches ought to be earmarked for preservation since none of the REP motor coaches were saved. These were the most powerful EMU motor coaches ever made at 1600hp each. Thus the REP's could push & pull a fully laden 12 coach train. See later photo in 'yellow' as 999605.
See the '4 rep appreciation society' for more details of these coaches.
21 February 2008, 19:51:34
I think that some view on "How much REP" is left, should be given some considerstion. If you were trying to preserve as much REP as possible, then preserving a 442 would be far more appropriate as these vehicles are now so far modified from there original condition that it would be difficult to identify anything present on these vehicles that would be unique to a REP that isnt there on a different type of 400 series EMU vehicle.
14 November 2008, 01:50:27
that would take hell of a lot of messing around to convert back to "original" condition, why bother? its history now when preserved is alot more interesting.
as for reps being powerful yes they were, and thats why you never had 2 or 3 reps running together
mind you i wonder now with increased power in the juice you could run a 15 car wessex in power ( i doubt it )
excuse my ramblings ben, just some thoughts
8 February 2009, 22:59:51
Anyone know who owns this coach these days? There is a group which I'm in which is looking at the possibility of preserving it
Mick Bryan
8 February 2009, 23:20:23
Presumably still with Network Rail - it's recently been repainted yellow and renumbered 999605. I would guess that it's good for NR use for a few more years on the back of that!