Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
- 45030 / 042205 - LMS Inspection Saloon
Photo details
- York Leeman Road
- 14 December 2002
Your comments
1 September 2003, 17:17:45
These vehicle has recently come up for sale (see News article)
18 February 2004, 19:37:13
And was apparently sold to an undisclosed buyer in November 2003...
Ben Williams
23 November 2004, 09:10:00
It is currently stored at Wishaw in the West Midlands although the buyer / intended location is still unknown.
26 December 2004, 20:06:34
The owner is now known and it is understood this is to be converted into a camping coach and then moved to a location which is yet to be finalised.
Harold Nicolson
15 June 2009, 11:29:08