Discussion Forum - Website News - Website changes

Website changes

Ben Williams

Website owner

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 26 April 2011, 20:26:14

We're proud to bring you some exciting new changes to the website.

We have decided to introduce the user login system to the website in the same way as successfully introduced some months ago on the sister OTP site. This brings us up to date in terms of technology and will allow users more flexibility to upload photos, manage sightings and create postings on this forum.

We hope that you find these useful developments - the website has stayed the same for many years and we felt it was time to bring it up to date.

Any comments please post them here or email me.

Thanks - Ben & Vince


Technical department

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 27 April 2011, 08:54:03

Yep, departmentals.com had become slightly neglected in recent years whilst ontrackplant.com got all the fancy features. It was time to fix the situation!

This revamp includes the following:

- a slightly fresher visual style accross most pages;

- the photo upload tool;

- a page with photos you've uploaded;

- a page to view all recent comments on your photos;

- a page containing just your sightings;

- the watchlist - a page which allows you to track movements of your favourite vehicles;

- a list of your favourite photos;

A side effect of the new changes is that the website will hopefully look much better on mobile devices such as iPhones etc.

As Ben mentions, we hope you find the changes useful, and if you have any problems then please get in touch...

Cheers! Vince

Dennis Graham

Joined: 27 April 2011

Posted: 27 April 2011, 19:39:01

Nice to see the upgrade. Certainly makes the site more user friendly.

Congrats to the Technical Dept.


Technical department

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 28 April 2011, 11:39:08

Thank Dennis, the changes were long overdue!

One other "upgrade" - search results have had some tweaks. Hopefully for the better... feedback always welcome!


Technical department

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 30 April 2011, 16:00:18

One final addition for now - the ability to view your sightings on the various lists.

999 series

Preserved DW series

09 IU series

Full list of options available on the sightings page - a good excuse to submit more sightings to see what you need! :)


Technical department

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 27 August 2012, 14:06:47

A long overdue feature has now been added. You should now be able to edit the place/date of your sightings, and have the ability to delete any erroneous sighting.

As ever, if you have any problems or spot some bugs then please contact me!

Ben Williams

Website owner

Joined: 1 June 2002

Posted: 28 August 2012, 13:05:32

We've been making more improvements on the departmentals.com pages.

We have introduced tick boxes against each vehicle which gives an alternative way of submitting sightings. This has been on the OTP site for a while. Once sightings are submitted you can view all your own sightings on your own personal page.

We always appreciate updates on vehicles you may see every day - ok we don't want a submission every day (!) but a check-in every 6 months keeps things up to date.

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