Current number:

National network vehicles
999xxx series
Test Units


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doncaster** *** ****Jacob oughton
Doncaster** *** ****David Simkus
Cherry Hinton** *** ****Obar123
Cardiff Canton TMD** *** ****Mick House
York Holgate Sidings2024-10-11Paul Walter Bartlett
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 999600 & 999601

    20 June 2004 - Tom Walker

    At first glance this is a converted class 150- but think again. 950001 was actually purpose built using the same design as the 150- simply because this is cheaper than designing a whole new unit.

  • 999600 & 999601

    2 August 2006 - Sam Ramage

    Almost certain this is the unit I saw standing on the line from Longannet P.Stn to Kincardine at around 10.00 hrs 1/8/06.( Unless there is anything else that looks like it's been converted from a class 150/1!)

  • 999600 & 999601

    5 August 2006 - Keir Hardie

    no, I saw it at inverness recently, it's unmistakeable!

  • 999600 & 999601

    10 August 2006 - Chris Phillips

    Saw this today on 2Z08 a Shrewsbury to Derby RTC track survey train.

    Definitely unmistakable!!

  • 999600 & 999601

    6 March 2008 - Dave Shell (NREL, AVRP, OTPPG)

    This will running as 2Q08 tomorrow (Friday 07/03/08) I'll pop the time up in a min...

  • 999600 & 999601

    6 March 2008 - Dave Shell (NREL, AVRP, OTPPG)

    As promised here are the times:

    Newcastle 04BO00 05:00

    King Edward Bridge N. In 05/0141

    King Edward Bridge E. In 05/02

    Greensfield Jn. 05/03

    Park Lane Jn. 05/05

    Pelaw Goods Loops 05:09

    Pelaw Jn. 05/10

    Brockley Whins 05/13

    Sunderland 05/19

    Park Lane (Sunderland) 0S/23

    South Hylton (Sunderland Metro) 05RM28 05RM31

    Park Lane (Sunderland) 05/36

    Sunderland Plat 2 05/39

    Brockley Whins 05/45

    Pelaw Jn. 05/48

    Pelaw Goods Loops 05*RM49 06*RM59

    Pelaw Jn. 07/00

    Boldon West Jn. 07/04

    Boldon North Junction 070P06 070P08

    Tyne Coal Terminal PTA 07RM18 07RM22

    Boldon North Junction 070P32 070P42

    Boldon West Jn. 07/44

    Pelaw Jn. 07RM50 07RM53

    Jarrow Shell 08RM08 08RM11

    Pelaw Jn. 08/26

    Park Lane Jn. 08/29

    Greensfield In. 08/31

    King Edward Bridge E. Jn. 08*33 08*34

    King Edward Bridge S. In 08/37

    Low Fell Jn. SL 08/41

    Birtley Jn. 08*45 09*10

    Durham Sig Ty358 09*19 09*30

    Durham 09/32

    Tursdale Jn. SL 09/39

    Ferrvhill Sth. Jn. 09/41

    Darlington 09*53 10*20

    Northallerton 10RM41 10RM44

    Low Gates L.C. 10RM47 10RM50

    Northallerton 10/53

    Longlands Jn. 10/55

    Thirsk 11/04

    Tollerton Jn. 11/20

    Skelton Bridge Jn. 11/33

    Skelton Jn. Yorkshire 11/36

    York Yard South Jn. 11*44 11*48

    York Holgate Sidings 11OP53 12OP08

    Colton Jn. 12/15

    Church Fenton 12/29

    Gascoigne Wood Jn. 12/34

    Milford Jn. 12/38

    Ferrybridge North Jn. 12/44

    Knottingley West Jn. 12/50

    Knottingley South Jn. 12/52

    Norton Level Crossing 13*00 13*26

    Shaftholme Jn. 13/37

    Doncaster West Yard 13:47 Stable

  • 999600 & 999601

    8 March 2008 - Greg Sherlock

    Saw it at Doncaster West Yard when leaving at 15.45. This unit seems to visit the Doncaster area quite regularly. Any particular reason why?

  • 999600 & 999601

    16 April 2008 - Jamie Rowley

    I saw this unit passing through Chesterfield, Derbyshire on the 10th May 2008 heading towards Sheffield. The unit crossed over to the good line after passing through the station, which has been recieving much work over the last few months.

  • 999600 & 999601

    16 April 2008 - Jamie Rowley

    Sorry, I ment 11th April! I got the wrong date off my travel ticket!

  • 999600 & 999601

    17 April 2008 - Bryan

    It was built at York as an add on to the then current 150 unit build.

    It has always been a recording unit. I have travelled on it for work around the Yorkshire area. Quite entertaining when it pulls into a platform and members of the public have to be turned away. When you are sat having a mug of tea.

  • 999600 & 999601

    11 June 2008 - Dave Shell (NREL, AVRP, OTPPG)

    Please note that the above trains probably won't now run as the TRU has gone back to Derby with equipment failure. Hopefully, the TIC might come out later in the week to recover the track recording. If it does it would be top and tailed by 2 locos, probably 31's.

  • 999600 & 999601

    8 March 2016 - Jon Horswell

    IMO this was the best livery that this 150 has carried. Now after its recent refurbishment it has large magnifying glasses applied to the bodysides as part of its new branding.

  • 8 March 2016 - John Manchester

    Does anyone know what refurbishments have been carried to these two vehicles? Any additional equipment or just a cosmetic upgrade?

  • 8 March 2016 - Jon Horswell

    I think that the bogies and engines have been refurbished, so it seems to be nothing more than a general upgrade though someone will know for sure. How long was it out of traffic for?

  • 9 March 2016 - Rich Mackin

    Last sighting recorded here was back in September 2015.

  • 18 December 2024 - Ben Williams

    Understand this unit is soon to be retired and replaced with 2x 153s