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BR EMU 76278
Conversion Abandoned. Scrapped - MC Metals, Glasgow 6/93


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M C Metals, Glasgow** *** ****Simeon Gaskell
Radyr yard** *** ****Darren burkinshaw
Radyr Yard** *** ****G Goswell
Cardiff Cathays** *** ****Roger Harris
Cardiff Cathays1991-06-22Peter Cummings, Roger Harris
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 977336

    23 November 2009 - SD0853

    Intersting picture.

    What ever became of this vehicle, as it seems to be part way through a conversion into someting rather than being scrapped.

    I say this as it seems to have a "New" 27way Blue Star multi-working socket fitted beneath the rear buffer plank.

    Obviously it's not "The Rocket" as that was 335, I can't think of whatever else it may be.

  • 977336

    23 November 2009 - Simon Bendall

    It was intended as a second support coach for DB999550 but conversion was abandoned.

  • 977336

    24 November 2009 - SD0853

    It's true what people say "You learn something new every day".

    So this was the second "Rocket".

    Cheers Simon, information much appreciated.

  • 977336

    1 December 2009 - Robert Burch

    This vehicle appears to be a 4TC driving trailer possibly from 8005/405 since the two intermediate coaches were seriously damaged by fire. The other DTC - or may be this one - was at Meldon Quarry and probably still is.