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Scrapped at Booths, Rotherham 11/89


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Rotherham - Booths scrapyard** *** ****Brian Cuttell
Rotherham - Booths scrapyard** *** ****Brian Cuttell
Rotherham - Booths scrapyard** *** ****Brian Cuttell
Rotherham - Booths scrapyard** *** ****Brian Cuttell
Rotherham - Booths scrapyard** *** ****Brian Cuttell
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 97203

    1 September 2009 - Daryl

    Looks like Toton TMD...

  • 97203

    15 April 2011 - Solly, Toton TMD, 1966-1974

    Agree with Daryl, Toton TMD, At that time it was designated No.4 Road, South End. Under the clock was a slope down to the lower level and to the right, steps up to the "flight deck".