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Scrapped - Booths, Rotherham 10/98


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Immingham WRD** *** ****Peter Hall
Immingham Yard** *** ****Ben Williams
Immingham TMD** *** ****Ben Williams
Immingham TMD1996-03-24Geoff Godsell
Immingham TMD1995-04-08Simeon Gaskell
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 963953

    16 April 2008 - Bob Wallace

    Ex. Sc43341 built York 1955 on lot 30087

    Converted to Freightliner brake van @ Swindon in 1967 on lot 3643

    condemned at Immingham 9/1990

  • 963953

    16 April 2008 - Tony Walmsley

    Silly Question(s):

    Why is this ex coach numbered in the DB 96xxxx series?

    Is it because it had previously been converted into a freight brake van (was it renumbered or did it remain 43341)?

    Were there other ex "coaches" that became departmentals in the "wrong" series?

  • 963953

    17 April 2008 - Paul Johnson

    Another silly question i know not really departmental related. How were these converted to frieghtliner brake vans? Was propane lighting and heating fitted at this time making their later departmental conversion more attactive?

  • 963953

    17 April 2008 - SD0853

    They wern't really "Converted" in the sence of major changes, they were just re-classified and tagged onto the rear of Freightliner Trains. This came about when ASLEF deemed that gaurds shouldn't travel on the loco (Front or rear cab), and with standard brake vans not being capable of running at speeds close to 75mph, redundant coaching stock was used for the purpose.

  • 963953

    17 April 2008 - ian saunders

    these coaches werereplaced by caboose units which where mounted onto the rear of the last container wagon.There is a preserved caboose at the natinal railway museum in York. Recently there were some 20 foot box containers converted for a similar use. See the book British Railways Brakevans and Ballast Ploughs by Eric Gent.

  • 963953

    17 April 2008 - John Randall

    so were these coaches air brake fitted or converted to air brakes for these duties?

  • 963953

    17 April 2008 - Bryan

    There is also a caboose unit on the NYMR at New Bridge yard.

  • 963953

    20 April 2008 - Bob Wallace

    My records have it as a vacuum fitted vehicle, [QQV-A to design code QQ003A].

    The lot record for 3643 notes the vehicle as vacuum fitted and that a air pipe and gauge was fitted at Swindon Works. The through air pipe was possibly removed when it was converted to Departmental use.

    The three that became crane runners did retain there air through pipe.

  • 963953

    20 April 2008 - SD0853

    I take it that the none standard pipe running the length of the vehicle along the frame must be the through air pipe then, as the vaccum and steam heat pipes would run in between the frames of the vehicle.

  • 963953

    27 July 2021 - Ben Williams

    975350 just visible to the left. Think they were often paired together at this time as the Frodingham BTU set.