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Appleby Frodingham RPS, Corus Scunthorpe

Preserved vehicles
DM series


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All Sightings

Appleby Frodingham RPS, Scunthorpe** *** ****Roger Harris
Appleby Frodingham Railway - Scunthorpe** *** ****Jordan Davison
AFRPS, Scunthorpe** *** ****Simon Bendall
Appleby-Frodingham RPS2022-01-08Kev Adlam
AFRPS, Scunthorpe2018-07-14Burt Smith

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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 395280

    13 March 2004 - P.E.R.Smith formely Head of Route Learning Southern Region.

    Nice to see 395280 on the web i always thought she looked well in blue & Grey the loadhaul varient is hideous.

  • 395280

    5 July 2008 - Adrian Hall

    Who is this vehicle in the care of now.

    where is it located ?

  • 395280

    5 July 2008 - Ben Williams

    Appleby Frodingham RPS, Corus Scunthorpe

  • 395280

    29 December 2008 - Harold A Nicolson

    It would be a good idea to have a grey arrow symbol replace the crest on the centre for 1969 - 1986 models. Why did they not do this before ?

  • 395280

    31 December 2008 - SD0853

    Someone added the old BR carrage "roundle" after the vehicle was painted blue and grey. It isn't officially part of the livery.