Current number:
Departmental number:
Any other previous number(s):
BR NPCCS 87614
Previously grounded at Worksop Up yard. Body moved across from WRD / Down yard ?/10? Moved to Moneystone Quarry, Whiston, Staffordshire 10/20. Unknown use / owner at this location - confirmation needed.
Preserved vehicles
975xxx series
Fish Vans
Grounded Bodies
IU 04xxxx series
Not seen recently / to check
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All Sightings
Location | Date | Observer |
Worksop Up Yard | ** *** **** | Greg Hartle |
Worksop Up yard | ** *** **** | alan moore |
Worksop Up yard | ** *** **** | Bob Parsons |
Worksop Up yard | ** *** **** | Tony Mason |
Worksop Up Yard | ** *** **** | Brian Stanway |
Show all 5 sightings |
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.
5 June 2013 - Ben Williams
It seems this van has now moved again - across to the up yard but we're not sure when this happened. If anyone can add any more info on this please leave a comment.
24 February 2015 - Tony Mason
Just following up to see if anyone can confirm exact location of this vehicle . from views I have seen of the Up Yard at Worksop there looks to be rows of wagons blocking views from the main line & there is no obvious public access from the other side of the yard
25 February 2015 - Peter Anthony Cummings
If we are talking of the yard on the north side of the running lines, access always used to be from the far western end up near the road overbridge.
27 February 2015 - Tony Mason
Thanks Peter ,just had a look on Google Earth can see where you mean
19 June 2015 - Tony Mason
I tried unsuccessfully to see this vehicle earlier this week.
Wasn't visible from passing train & the yard access is under lock & key with no staff at this location to ask if it still there
20 July 2015 - Tony Mason
Hi Brian
I went to Worksop earlier this year to look for this vehicle without success.
Could you please confirm where it can be viewed from
Best Regards
Tony Mason
21 July 2015 - Peter Hall
I am told by a Northern conductor who passes regularly that viewing from passing trains is currently not possible. Apparently a rake of wagons has been awkwardly placed to prevent viewing.
22 July 2015 - Tony Mason
Thanks Peter, I would be interested to know where Brian viewed it from!
26 July 2015 - Brian Stanway
Tony, sorry for the late reply. The van is located at Grid Ref SK 57111 80526, more or less next to the fence, it's easily viewed from a coach company yard if you can get permission to enter their premises.
26 July 2015 - Tony Mason
ManyThanks Brian
19 August 2017 - alan moore
I walked the yard yesterday and can confirm the van is still there in the bushes behind the rakes of stored coal wagons
14 January 2020 - Greg Hartle
Considering the old WRD has now been taken over by HNRC, is this still present at Worksop? Thinking of taking a visit there soon that's all..
15 January 2020 - Peter Hall
Not affected by HNRC acquisition of the Down Yard as 041474 located in the Up Yard on the opposite side of the running lines. Despite no recent sightings I'm assured its still present but difficult to see due to stored wagons.
15 January 2020 - Greg Hartle
Yes thankyou Peter, I have had confirmation of this also and have found it's exact location in the Up Yard on Google Earth....I shall be visiting soon...
28 January 2020 - Greg Hartle
The forlorn looking vehicle can be spied from the Johnsons Bros Tours company yard, where it is a matter of yards from the perimeter fence which separates the Up Yard from their premises.It is not possible to see the vehicle from a passing train mainly due to wagons blocking it, but also the fact that it is pretty well camouflaged!
4 March 2020 - Peter Hall
The first time I saw this at Worksop Station Yard was 1983-06-02 by which time it was grounded. In my note book on that occasion I have written "18/6/82 ex SB" I suspect this was because at the time it was still carded for the move. Its grounding presumably taking place between these two dates.
Not sure when it moved from Station Yard to WRD/Down Yard but was still in Station Yard on 1991-04-20.
15 September 2020 - Alex Betteney
This van was removed by road on 15/9/2020
9 October 2020 - David Denton
Hi Ben
This was moved to Moneystone Quarry Whiston Staffordshire
9 October 2020 - Ben Williams
Interesting thanks Dave. Looks like this is the site of a new leisure park... seems an odd destination!?
16 January 2021 - Brian Cuttell
Had been moved from Worksop Station yard by 26/10/95. Three 12T goods van bodies still remained in the station yard at that time.
15 July 2024 - Ben Williams
I've been sent a photo that was posted on Facebook recently. Thought to still be at Moneystone Quarry but now stripped back to framework - which has been repainted black.