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Scrapped on site at Ystwyth Valley Railway, Llanilar ?/07
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Location | Date | Observer |
Ystwyth Valley Railway | ** *** **** | Andrew Jenkins |
Ystwyth Valley Railway, Llanilar | ** *** **** | Richard G Thomas |
Machynlleth | ** *** **** | Simeon Gaskell |
Machynlleth | 1993-07-24 | Alex Betteney |
Machynlleth | 1992-07-20 | Brian Cuttell |
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.
13 April 2003 - Ben
It is thought this wagon is either 023204 or 023215. See other Machynlleth picture on the site for further details about the wagons that used to be at this location.
18 June 2004 - Harvey Coppock
Think they moved from here to Ystwyth, in conjunction with DM395802, last seen there 2000.
21 May 2008 - Ben Williams
A tank was noted at Llanilar but not identified a few years ago - perhaps 023215. It is now thought to have been scrapped with 395802 and the underframe of 024507 late last year. The key to the mystery is several of the other tanks from here that are almost certainly at Cambrian Railway Society at Oswestry - possibly including the other rivetted tank 023204. If anyone is able to investigate it would be appreciated - thanks!
3 January 2009 - Ben Williams
The old rivetted tank that remains at Weston Wharf, Oswestry does not have spoked wheels like this so it does seem likely that the one there is 023204 a.k.a. "No.5" in red oxide livery unless anyone can prove otherwise! It seems 999010 and 024478 have probably been scrapped or at least dismantled to their underframes so for the time being I will assume disposed.
I also now see this carries a letter E which, although it doesn't tally with Martin's comment under the other photo, may mean they were numbered A-E from left to right?
13 January 2009 - Ben Williams
There is a tank very similar to this now at Tyseley but I'm almost certain it can't be the same one. It is also a tank mounted on a tender underframe. Any more info appreciated!
18 January 2009 - Martin Allen
When I photographed this wagon, it had a hand painted marking on the right hand anchor mounting "LNWR 1870". I believe it is a former tender off a LNWR "DX" 0-6-0, which would tie in with a build date of 1870.