977917 & 977918 and 977559 & 977560

Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
Photo details
- Ramsgate T&RSMD
- 20 April 2002
Your comments
1 June 2002, 22:30:30
These route learning units always used to be regulars at Victoria Grosvenor Carriage Sidings but they seem to be stored here now? 931001 is also visible in the picture behind 931062.
Chas Tallis
3 June 2002, 09:51:46
Ben, these Units have been here for a few years now. I have a photo of one Unit tastefully repainted, courtesy of the Spray Can Brigade.
3 June 2002, 13:30:50
Chas it would be good to see the photo with a view to possibly using it on the site. When I was there the security seemed to be quite tight with huge gates and cameras where I took this photo from. They obviously found a way in! A lot of departmental stock that is now out of use seems to fall prey to the spray can - you only have to look at my picture of 975462 at Three Bridges and 977913 at Stratford!
peter cummings
8 June 2002, 20:29:14
It was ever thus. Seems nothing stops the vandals and thieves, yet those of us prepared to go in the proper entrance, say hello and please, invariably get short shrift.