Vehicles in this photo
The following vehicle(s) appear in this photo.
- 096042 - 12t Shocvan / later Motorail ramp wagon
Photo details
- Edinburgh Waverley
- 19 January 1986
Your comments
Rob Owst
9 December 2004, 08:37:39
Does anyone know many of these wagons there were? Were they ever moved, or did they stay in one location?
Jack Russell
10 December 2004, 17:05:42
Many years ago (early 80's) during my Royal Navy days, I remember seeing one in Inverness and one down in Penzance. I hope that may help. I would have said that where there were Motorail services then this would be at most of the stations that were served with this service.
Rob Owst
5 January 2005, 13:31:07
Thanks for the Info Jack, I have done a bit more research and they were used mainly for the 12 Newton Chambers double deck car carrying wagons, as these had a higher floor than a guv to allow for the cars to be lowered into the well between the bogies. I have also found a photo in an old issue of Model Rail showing one down in Cornwall with a Newton Chambers van, even though they were supposedly dedicated to a Kings Cross to Waverly service, hence the reason 096042 is at Waverley.