Current number:

National network vehicles
999xxx series
Test Trains - Network Rail


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Heaton Chapel (1Q43 Crewe - Longsight Car M.D)** *** ****Richard Moxon
Worcester Shrub Hill** *** ****Gerry Desmond
Eastbourne** *** ****Trevor Daburn
Lee (London)2024-10-15Kieran Cromeeke
Wolverhampton2024-10-04STEVE BOUCHIER

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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 999550

    23 June 2006 - Ben Williams

    An interesting photo here from Keith which proves this coach has been around quite a while now!

  • 999550

    24 June 2006 - ian saunders

    where the doors painted yellow as well as the ends at this point in the coaches life

  • 999550

    30 September 2006 - Andrew Royle

    It would be nice to see pictures of it in service coupled onto the rear of an Inter City working of the period.

    Am writing this on the vehicle itself (in transit to a recording run of the S&C with 37608/10)

  • 999550

    13 February 2007 - SD0853

    This coach has recently lost it's "New Measurement Train" branding as it is no longer used in the formation of the NMT

  • 999550

    13 February 2007 - Dave Carson

    I was on it over 20+years ago when we used it on the London Underground - sandwiched between Hastings power cars and ran up to Parsons Green on the District Line from Wimbledon and later sandwiched between 2 LT battery locos on the District & Circle Lines.

    It was the prototype of our own TRC 666 (DB 999666).

  • 999550

    16 March 2007 - Jon Horswell

    Am I right in thinking that this was the last Mk.2 to be constructed.

  • 999550

    20 March 2007 - ian saunders

    it is shown in the mk2 book as the last proper mk2 shell built however some more vehicles were built for other countries of similar designs

  • 999550

    10 April 2007 - Phil Scott

    What was the lot number of this vehicle? It's not mentioned in the 2006 Platform 5 book.

  • 999550

    10 April 2007 - Robert Chilton

    I have looked in a couple of Departmental stock books, neither of which give a diagram or lot number. One quotes DB999550 as being 'The last BR Mark 2 vehicle to be built' and the other says 'The Mk.2F production run of the 1970s TSO/FO vehicles was extended by one vehicle body, enabling a purpose built track recording vehicle to be constructed'. It is not explicit as to whether it would have been a TSO or a FO - the final TSO was no. 6184 built to dia. AC211, lot 30874, Derby 1975, the final FO was no. 3439 built to dia. AD107, lot 30873, Derby 1975, so probably one of these lots, even though one full-size window was replaced by a half-sized one on both sides at the time of cronstruction.

  • 999550

    12 April 2007 - ian saunders

    If you look in the book British Rail Mark 2 Coaches by Michael Harris the hstrc gets 2 and a half pages in which it says that it was actually built on a lot number in the frieght series despite it being tagged onto the end of the mk2f production run , it also says that it was built on b5 bogies and was designed to cover and record over 80000 miles per year. The book also gives a brief desciption of the fittings inside the vehicle.

  • 999550

    25 March 2008 - rob

    currently in formation

    loco (37608)





    loco (37611)

  • 999550

    20 March 2009 - barry nicholson

    I photographed this vehicle on 31st July 1984 at Glenwhilly on the GSWR line from Ayr to Stranraer. It was the only vehicle in the train, drawn by 27042. The livery was similar to that in the Euston view above, but the lettering was in a different typeface. An interesting vehicle, and any further information would be appreciated, especially a drawing.


  • 999550

    23 March 2009 - Ben Williams

    A lot of departmental stock drawings are available (at a small cost) from Dave Hulls

    He also has a wide selection of many other railway vehicles too.

  • 999550

    20 July 2009 - SD0853

    Recently re-painted into all over yellow without any lining or lettering after repeated vandalism/tagging.

  • 999550

    8 December 2010 - Rob Morel

    The gap between left hand bogie and battery box on the underframe at one time carried a railbus engine to power all the onboard gubbins, seperate from any eth supply, can't clearly make the engine out in this pic, anyone have more info?

  • 999550

    8 December 2010 - SD0853


    If you look at some of the other pictures (especially the B&W shot of the coach "as new"), next to the bogie you can just make out in the blur a DMU style radiator, which would have been part of the generator set you're mentioning.

  • 999550

    10 December 2010 - Robert Chilton

    In this pic: the smoke possibly evidence showing the engine in use, or was the exhaust somewhere at roof level? Never seen it.

  • 999550

    28 March 2013 - Simon Howard

    Can anybody tell me what was written on the ends of coach as I am making a model and can't find any info about the markings in the end of it.

    Thanks for any help

  • 28 September 2019 - Stephen White

    Peterborough Station siding 28.9.19


  • 1 March 2020 - Paul Walter Bartlett

    Nice photo of it at Liverpool St. in 1983 at