Current number:
Any other previous number(s):
BR EMU 65302
Moved to Finmere, Newton Purcell, Buckinghamshire 6/09. Moved to private site at Gravenhill, Bicester 2/20. Moved to Nemesis Rail Burton on Trent 10/22
Mainline Operator (no public access):
Nemesis, Burton-on-Trent
Preserved vehicles
977xxx series


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Burton-upon-Trent - Nemesis Rail** *** ****Roger Harris
Burton-upon-Trent - Nemesis Rail** *** ****Greg Hartle
Burton-upon-Trent - Nemesis Rail** *** ****Roger Harris
Burton-upon-Trent - Nemesis Rail** *** ****Brian Cuttell, Brian Cuttell
MOD Bicester** *** ****James Pickering
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 977874 & 977875

    2 April 2008 - Tony Rispoli

    Not noticed this in Selhurst lately. Not seen anything about it moving. However, 930206 (which it was nearly always permanently coupled to) has been split off of it and was last seen in 3 or 4 North Sidings in the depot. Anyone know where 930204 has gone?

  • 977874 & 977875

    2 April 2008 - SD0853

    These two units are used for sandite application inside the confines of the depot.

  • 977874 & 977875

    2 April 2008 - Tony Rispoli

    However, they are usually coupled together, and when not being used are dumped in one of the A.C Sidings. Recentley 930206 has been seen on its own in the North Sidings, but I haven't seen 930204 in there at all, it could be in one of the sheds, or it has been taken away somewhere!

  • 977874 & 977875

    25 June 2009 - Rob Morel

    reported as removed by road and stored at Finmere A421 just West of Buckingham.

  • 977874 & 977875

    2 July 2009 - Ben Williams

    Just received confirmation via a contact that Allelys have said this is now *inside* a building at the old railway site at Finmere (Newton Purcell) which is why the location was probably questioned! Perhaps an old goods shed?

  • 977874 & 977875

    7 August 2009 - Max Winter

    The above and a second vehical are not under cover and are visible from the road, the A4421 not A421, as of 7/8/09. I am local to the area and have been puzzled by the appearance of an EMU on what was the GCR. Heven knows what the plans for these vehicals are.

  • 977874 & 977875

    26 November 2009 - Rob

    930204 and 930206 are at Finmere Station Yard (which is actually in the village Newton Purcell, Oxfordshire. Both units can be seen from the A4421 - one unit is in a mix of Railtrack Green/Blue and Southern Green.

    Open Storage for both units, there are no buildings on thos site.

    It appears 73130 is also on site!

  • 977874 & 977875

    27 November 2009 - Peter Grant

    Hi all,

    First time i,ve done this, so i'm a bit (Southern) Green, i've got two good

    close up views of the above at Finmere and tryed to send them via e.mail to

    BEN at DEPARTMENTALS dot COM, but told wrong e.mail, can you tell me

    how i can send them. (they are good)

  • 977874 & 977875

    28 November 2009 - Matt

    This may be a silly question, but you are replacing the "at" in the above address with an "@" and the "dot" with a "." right?

    The use of the words "at" and "dot" instead of the correct symbols needed for the email address is to prevent the real email address appearing on the website, and therefore being a spam-target.

  • 977874 & 977875

    28 November 2009 - Peter Grant

    Thanks Matt,

    I think they've gone through now.

  • 28 June 2024 - Ben Williams

    This unit is en route from Burton to Southall via Lichfield on 5Z33 / 5Z34.

  • 28 June 2024 - Dan Adkins

    I'm afraid it isn't Ben. 5759 is the unit being moved on 5Z33 and 5Z34.

  • 28 June 2024 - Ben Williams

    Ah yes - should've checked the gen properly! Thanks