Current number:
Any other previous number(s):
DM 284255
Weston Wharf, Oswestry

Preserved vehicles
IU 02xxxx series


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Weston Wharf, Oswestry** *** ****Kev Adlam
Weston Wharf, Oswestry** *** ****Royston Morris
Weston Wharf, Oswestry** *** ****Grahame Stanley, Alex Betteney
Weston Wharf, Oswestry** *** ****Kev Adlam
Weston Wharf, Oswestry** *** ****Ben Williams
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 023215

    12 January 2009 - Ben Williams

    The "No.5" is still visible here from its Machynlleth days.

  • 023215

    18 January 2009 - Martin Allen

    The design of the tank and anchor mountings are very similar to the style used by Hurst Nelson. However, the underframe is a much later build than the tank, being standard RCH pattern construction.

  • 22 May 2013 - Steven Jordan

    I have recently purchased a slide of 023215 at Machynlleth dated 1973. It is clearly marked DM023215 and is definately not this wagon, it is much more modern circa 1940's/ 1950's. There is a link to a line up of tank wagons at Machynlleth from the right hand photo on this page, 023215 is the second vehicle from the left in this piccy, hope this helps!!

  • 023215

    6 June 2013 - Paul Walter Bartlett

    Appears to be one of the Midland Railway barrels diag 838. Unless it has been published in the MR Journal the history seems confused, with some number series being associated by Essery with diag 830 which had quite a different barrel. There is some evidence they were put on new frames - possibly about 1949. DM45 (now at Butterley - not preserved!) and DM 53 are in this collection I never went to Mach.. and this is not either of those wagons, but as can be seen very similar.

  • 023215

    6 June 2013 - Paul Walter Bartlett

    Midland Railway diag 838 barrel, probably reframed sometime between 1921 and 1949.