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BR APT coach 48204
Scrapped - Vic Berry, Leicester 10/89


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Vic Berry Ltd, Leicester** *** ****Roger Harris
Derby RTC** *** ****Colin J. Marsden
Derby RTC** *** ****Brian Cuttell
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The following comments have been left on photos of this vehicle. To reply, just visit one of the photos.

  • 977527

    10 February 2004 - Tom Walker

    Is this a converted APT carrage?

  • 977527

    23 November 2004 - keith falconer

    this must be APT-P coach 48204, a trailer second modified to take two BT32 non-articulated bogies. originally it had two BT11(?) articulated bogies which it shared with neighbouring coaches. modified as a test car for a proposed APT-U project (essentially same vehicles in different formation) - see http:/ for full details

  • 977527

    16 September 2007 - David Halfpenny


    Did you mean "modified to take two BT12 non-articulated bogies".


    co-designer, BT12 bogie

  • 977527

    26 December 2007 - keith falconer

    apologies david!

    i'm sure i remember reading it somewhere as BT32 - i knew the BT12 non-articulated bogie already existed, i assumed this was a modified versh to fit under this coach

    sorry! ;-)

  • 977527

    26 December 2007 - ian saunders

    did the BT11 bogies pre date the ones on the French TGVs and if so did they use our technology to design their bogies